General donations are used 100% for program services directly helping the veterans, homeless, disabled, and family participants served by the Heroes Lodge.

All gifts are acknowledged by correspondence confirming your donation is eligible as a tax-deductible contribution. Donors will remain confidential unless they specifically authorize the use of their identity in connection with the donation. General donations are assigned by senior staff of the organization to the programs most in need at the time of the donation.
You can send in a check directly to the following address:
American GI Forum of Austin Project
Heroes Lodge Project, Inc.
807 Brazos St Suite, 504
Austin, Tx 78701
If you would prefer to call or communicate via the website, please fill out the form below:
If you would like to send us a message, please fill out the form below:
Heroes Lodge Project, Inc.
807 Brazos Street, Suite 504
Austin, TX
Mon – Fri : 10am – 6pm
Sat and Sun : Closed
Contact Us
[email protected]